Latest information regarding opening of GAA grounds in Co Down that players, coaches, volunteers and parents need to keep informed about regarding
Covid-19 restrictions
1. Should Clubs appoint Covid Officers or Covid Supervisors?
- There is no Covid “Officer” as such.
- The number of Covid Supervisors needed by each Club will be proportional to the size of the Club, i.e. the number of active teams and players within the Club.
- The Club Executive will communicate the details of the appointed Covid Supervisor(s) for each team to all Players, Parents/Guardians, etc. and ensure that appointed person(s) receive all necessary support to undertake the role.
2. Should Clubs purchase thermometers?
- Clubs should not invest in thermometers.
- The revised Guidelines on 12 June removed any requirement for Clubs to check temperatures on-site.
- The onus is now on the individual or Parent/Guardian for Underage Players.
3. Are hand gel dispensers needed if anti-bacterial soap and water is provided ?
- It is strongly recommended that hand dispensers be provided in the car park, toilets, entrance to pitch and pitch side.
- However, hand washing facilities and anti-bacterial soap will suffice.
4. Will Clubs receive guidance for purchasing things like signage, sanitiser and PPE?
- Guidance is available at on the procurement of Covid-19 equipment and supplies that may be required to mitigate the risks in Clubs.
- Categories include:
- Face coverings
- Hand sanitiser dispensers / hand wash stations
- Anti-bacterial disinfectant
- Signage
- Guidance is subject to change based on Government guidelines.
5. What are the ratios for Adult to Child supervision?
- The Code of Behaviour (Underage) contains strict child safeguarding adult to child ratios which have been agreed by the Gaelic Games Associations, and are enshrined in our Rules. They are in place to ensure the safety of children coupled with realistic coaching numbers as follows:
- 1:8 for children under 12 yr. olds plus one other adult
- 1:10 for children over 12 yrs. of age plus one other adult
- The one other adult may be a Coach or a Supervisor (non-coaching) and may for convenience purposes act in that capacity for more than one team at a time.
- The Guidelines on Safe Return to Gaelic Games reference reduced numbers at training with a maximum of ten permitted in a group. However, when working with children and young people the ratios contained in the Code of Behaviour must be adhered to resulting in less than ten for groups involving children under 12 yrs. of age.
- Clubs are reminded where girls are participating in training or for girls only training a minimum of one female liaison officer is required to be present for the duration of the training session.
6. Can children leave their backpacks in Club dressing rooms prior to 10 August?
- No. Backpacks must be left in stands or dugouts which are supervised.
7. Who must complete the Health Questionnaire? When? How often?
- The Health Questionnaire must be completed by:
- Covid Supervisors and Club Officers
- Players, and Parents/Guardians of Underage Players
- Team Personnel such as Coaches, Managers and Medical Personnel
- Referees
- Anyone else present to run a training session/game
- The Questionnaire will need to be completed once before the initial return to training.
- Each individual will be required to sign a declaration at each subsequent session to confirm their health status has not changed.
8. How will personal information be stored?
- An online system will be provided to allow Clubs to process personal data in compliance with data protection legislation.
- It is essential to follow the process to ensure the security of data especially where health data is concerned.
- Training will be provided to Covid Supervisors in due course.
9. What is the process for contact tracing?
- Contact tracing identifies people who were in close contact with someone who has Covid-19. The protocol for contact tracing is as per HSE guidelines.
- The latest Guidelines are available –
10. Who will monitor completion of the eLearning module?
- The onus is on Clubs to ensure that anyone entering their facilities for training/playing purposes have completed the eLearning module.
- Those who complete the module will be able to take print, download or take a screenshot of their Certificate of completion at the end of the module.
11. How can we train/play and maintain physical distancing?
- Games Development Department are preparing content for coaches around phase 3
- Phase 4 will be full contact in accordance with the Govt. Roadmap
- Important to maintain social distancing off field.
12. How many teams can a Player train with? How many can a Mentor coach?
- Players can train with multiple teams within the Club if they wish.
- No restriction on the amount of teams one can coach
13. Can multiple groups train on the same pitch at the same time?
- Yes
- Only relevant to Phase 3
- Ensure you are satisfied sufficent space to accomodate social distancing
14. How much contact can Players have with equipment such as footballs and sliotars?
- The Advisory Group is satisfied that the risk of transmission via equipment is low.
- Specific equipment such as footballs, sliotars and cones will be provided and will be sanitised.
- Coaches should ensure the minimum amount of equipment is used in sessions, e.g. cones, bibs, etc.
- All equipment used in sessions should be sanitised after each session and stored for use.
- Players must bring their own water bottles.
15. What is the advice for attending to injuries during training sessions/games?
- Where physical distancing is not possible, PPE such as face masks should be worn.
- If present, medical personnel should wear PPE such as face masks.
- More concrete advice will be issued in due course.
16. What is the advice for a Team if someone involved is diagnosed with Covid-19?
- The Gaelic Games policy on this question for teams, opposition teams and Clubs involved is pending Government advice.
17. What measures exist for members who do not comply with the Guidelines?
- Any issues of non-compliance should be reported to the Club Executive via the Club Secretary, preferably by the Covid Supervisor for the relevant team.
- Each Full Member shall have the right to be heard by the Executive Committee upon complaint or representation sent by him/her, in writing, to the Secretary.
- Guidelines should be followed on a “best endeavours” basis
18. Who has ultimate responsibility?
- Everyone has a role to play.
- Ultimately, safe return to contact sports is the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of each participant.
- Members who have a concern regarding personal higher risk should discuss the situation with their GP before deciding on whether to return to activity.