LADIES in Loughinisland have come together on International Women’s Day to show their support for the 20×20 movement.
The 20×20 initiative is championing women and girls in sport and physical activity throughout Ireland.
Female participants in this year’s Island Games weight loss challenge and senior ladies’ players from Loughinisland and Dundrum stood proud this afternoon to #ShowYourStripes – a movement to promote female participation.

Female participants during this year’s Island Games proudly #ShowYourStripes on International Women’s Day. Included is (middle row, left) Jean O’Neill, Loughinisland GAC’s Irish cultural officer
Louise Kearney, Loughinisland GAC vice chair, said the club is delighted to champion women in this 20×20 Club Charter.
She added: “This is an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic women involved in and around our club while recognising the huge strides in females participating on the pitch with our senior ladies and Gaelic for Mothers and Others.
“Furthermore, the support of the women participating in this year’s Island Games has been superb and this is the cornerstone of what the club is trying to achieve with ladies playing an active role in club activities, promoting events and showcasing female participation to the wider community.”
20×20 is an all-inclusive movement to shift Ireland’s cultural perception of women’s sport by with:
• A 20% increase in media coverage of women in sport
• A 20% increase in female participation at all levels of sport
• A 20% increase in attendance at women’s games and events.

Loughinisland and Dundrum ladies footballers during a challenge match earlier today
You can #ShowYourStripes for women in sport and change the landscape of sport for future generations.
The action is simple but the impact of women pledging to do one small thing could have a positive impact which can leave a real legacy across the club and local community.
For further details https://20× #20X20 #ShowYourStripes